Too often, we make sacrifices on what we eat. If you want something cheap, you have to eat junk food. If you want something nutritious, you have to compromise on taste. If you want something convenient and easy, food tends to be highly processed. Not to mention, a busy schedule can get in the way, making fresh produce a wasteful due to the high spoilage rate.
There’s an easy way to make a highly nutritious, delicious dinner for your entire family at a lower cost. Dehydrated food has been a not-so-secret weapon since the dawn of human existence, and is one of the most foolproof ways to preserve produce.
A major benefit to dehydrated produce is the ability to retain all the nutritional value that fresh vegetables and fruit would have, all while maintaining the flavor. Additionally, dehydrated products can last months or even years longer than their fresh alternative. As the dreaded Cold and Flu season fast approaches, stocking up on long-lasting soups may be a good course of action. Keeping track of your nutrition intake may be critical in keeping your family healthy when all the elements work against you.
“Fiber, vitamin A, selenium and zinc are among the most common nutritional deficiencies,” according to Licensed Clinical Dietitian Nutritionist Emilya Subev RD, LDN, CNSC founder of Medical Nutritional Therapy “When I conduct a food recall and nutritional assessment, most of my clients start out with inadequate levels of these essential micronutrients and can struggle to meet these needs for their busy lifestyles. Luckily, they can find an excellent source of these nutrients in dehydrated foods.”
If you’re looking to score a fully nutritious and delicious meal with a higher level of ease and convenience, it’s time to jump into the trend and swim about in the plentiful market of dehydrated soups!